Visualize the performance of your entire operation in seconds.

Achieve excellence with a detailed vision
of your institution.

Eden Intelligence does the work for you.

Your productivity, condensed in real time to inform your key decisions and build momentum for your institution.
We capture the full power of data: all you have to do is take the reins.
Compare your desired metrics from specific date ranges and confidently choose the best path forward.
Control the performance of all your locations: analyze the volume of studies individually or globally.
Monitor your business growth in real time and with historical data throughout your expansion project.
Make smart decisions backed by facts, staying up to date with frequent notifications on what's most relevant.

Reach your potential with all your data synthesized in one place.

Discover activity trends to optimize the workflow of your radiologists and administrative staff.


Evaluate your sources of income and compare the performance of your business units. Answer key questions for your institution in seconds.


Measure the fine details of medical performance. Quickly evaluate the daily productivity of your doctors by volume and type of study performed.


Monitor and optimize the care your patients receive. Obtain daily visibility of interpretation times and delivery of results.

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Cuantifica órdenes de estudios segmentados por recepcionista, tipo de estudio o modalidad en un periodo de tiempo personalizable.


Examina el tiempo promedio de interpretación que se toma por médico o modalidad.
Libera los flujos de trabajo dependiendo de los picos de uso en diferentes horarios o en comparación con el parámetro que elijas.
Conoce el total de estudios interpretados por médico y coteja contra métricas como fechas, modalidad o tipo de estudio.
Identifica picos y valles de actividad a lo largo del tiempo.
Cuantifica órdenes de estudios segmentados por recepcionista, tipo de estudio o modalidad en un periodo de tiempo personalizable.
Examina el tiempo promedio de interpretación que se toma por médico o modalidad.

Schedule your demo.

We will contact you within the next 24 hours.

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con éxito al teléfono 55 26 38 33

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